The challenge
An edge of settlement Greenfield site in Warfield.

The site, currently used as a paddock, lies as an open field with established residential development beyond. The site contains a number of TPO'd mature Oak trees and is bound to the South with a line of TPO Oak trees, and a TPO woodland to the West. There are listed buildings to the North West and South East of the site. 

The proposal
JPP have submitted an outline application for 37 dwellings including 13 affordable homes.

The proposal is a well integrated landscape and built form solution which enhances the existing perimeter landscape, protects existing neighbour amenity and ensures that the proposed development will be unobtrusive in the landscape. Internally the site has been planned to create visual interest and a strong sense of place within a parkland setting centred on mature feature oak trees, with informal clusters of dwellings and a sinuous informal road layout. The proposal therefore creates a sense of identity, respects the TPO's and listed buildings and reflects the silvan character of the site and its surroundings.